Experience with Stukent Book: Essentials of Social Media Marketing

     This is my last blog and I will be talking about my opinion about the Stukent book that we read over this semester. This book covered a ton of amazing information about social media platforms and the essentials of each. I enjoyed learning more about each platform and will discuss further about these platforms. 

    We started the semester talking about building personal brands on all platforms. I really thought this was important because as a company you must understand exactly what your brand is and how to portray this to your audience. I think this was a great way to start the semester because this then builds into each platform and how to showcase your brand on each of the platforms. This is the next important step because you cannot show your brand the same on all platforms. This will not work and it is very important to understand why. 

    Once we started going into the different platforms, we started learning what works on each of the platforms. For example, TikTok is for the younger audience and is mainly just shorter videos that are on the platform. This helps companies understand if they are using the platform what audience will engage the most and what exactly will work to engage this audience. We dove deep on each platform from time spent to money spent on platform even to all the features of the platform. I really loved diving into each platform because as a marketer, one day I may be in control of a platform and understanding how that platform works and who is on it will come in handy. 

    The slides that I enjoyed the most because I remember the most about them are the slides with videos and the slides with statistics. The videos were my favorite because it would give useful information and current things happening on the app. They were all useful and very easy to remember. I also enjoyed the statistics slides because it will tell you all the current stats from gender to how many users on the platform even to the best times to post. 

    Overall, I learned a lot from this book and I recommend it to anybody who is doing anything related to social media. Even if you do not do social media for your job, it’s very useful information if you are ever trying to grow your personal brand. 



  1. I'm proud of all you've accomplished, I can't believe its already been 4 years since you've left!

  2. Great work covering the textbook! I also learned a lot from it and really enjoyed the examples provided in the book with real life videos or examples.
    - Drew Butera


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