Week 3 of Senior Year

     Already flying through the semester and things are heating up very quickly for me. I am trying to balance the workload between classes, capstone and, personal life. I am starting to find the balance between these, however I wanted to discuss in this week's blog what is happening in each of these areas of my life. 

    Starting with classes I have been enjoying the little things that my younger self would not enjoy. I am currently taking music appreciation and as it is an easy class I am appreciating everything that goes into making music. Also with principles of social media I enjoy the little assignments that we are given like the podcast assignment. I have previous experience with podcast, but I still appreciate the amount of effort that has to be put in to make a podcast. 

    Capstone is a big eye opener into how the world is going to work for marketing. The client we have is Marathon and they have provided us with expectations to help with one of their major areas of concern. This isn't a class anymore where you have the potential to not put your full effort in, this is a real client who may use the feedback into the real world. This is exciting, but scary at the same time to know that your work could make or break a client. I am excited to see what my group comes up with and how we impact Marathon. 

    Lastly with personal life, I am attempting to balance college life with gym life and home life. So with college life I have esports practice basically everyday of the week which eats up a lot of time. I also try to balance that with the gym and attempt to go everyday of the week. For my home life, my brother is a high school senior and I try to go to his games every Friday to support him and his high school career. Things get intense throughout the year with little time to do anything else besides these things, but I am still looking forward to the rest of my senior year! Thanks for reading! 


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