Graduating Soon! My experience from all years of college!

     This will be one of my last blogs and I wanted to write about my college experience. This has been an exciting 4 years of college, with many ups and downs. I have had a blast and I am ready to leave college and start the next chapter of my life. This blog will talk about all four years and my overall takeaway from college. 

    Starting with my freshman year of college, this was a weird time in my life. I was not sure what I wanted to fully do with my life and what side activities I was going to get involved in. I just graduated high school and loved playing sports, especially baseball so I was debating playing in college. I also was an engineer at the time alongside my older brother, where we both had many certifications. I went through some challenging classes my first semester on campus and decided that Engineering was not my passion area anymore. I ended up switching over to the business college and joined the esports program. I started playing a new game called Valorant with a couple of my friends and my older brother. I ended up getting good at this game toward the end of the year, playing against pros, being livestreamed to more than 100k viewers, and was doing super well in the business college. 

    This is where my sophomore year kicks in, where I started figuring out my life. I was committed to being the best marketing & esports person that I could possibly be. I did tons of research and studying into how to be good at marketing. I started making connections and started figuring out my personal brand. I really enjoyed esports and started dominating the college scene. I became top 100 in the United States for Valorant and learned how to start making post on various social media platforms. I ended up joining my brother’s fraternity and started getting involved within the Greek life. I mainly did this because I love my brother to death and he wanted me to join so I did. 

    Junior year & senior year can be told together as they both tell the same part in my college experience. Both these years is where I became more mature and focused on my life goals. I stopped being involved within as many side activities and started focusing back on my main two goals, marketing, and esports. I started reaching out to sources beyond the college and started building my professional network. This is where I started preparing for outside of college and the next chapter of my life. I have a good marketing job after school that I look forward to and I am continuing to build my esports brand on social medias. 

    My college experience is something that I will never forget about. These four years were necessary in my life and helped me grow to be the person that I want to be. I am thankful for all the memories and all the people that helped me along the way. This is my goodbye to ONU! It has been great!


  1. Ahhh! How exciting! You have had some great accomplishments that you should be proud of!


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