My Experience with Social Media Sim!

    Over the course of this semester, I had the opportunity to try out Stukent's social media simternship. The experience had tons of roller coasters from really good moments to super bad moments, but overall, it taught me a ton. I wanted to share my journey and what the experience has taught me.

    For those that do not know, this experience is being an intern for Buhi bags and trying to promote the company through social media apps and collaborating with influencers. For post you start with organic post, with no boost in performance for each post. Since I was still new to this whole experience, I had idea what I was doing the first two weeks of running the social media apps. I responded to customers well in the direct messages, but making efficient social media post were a huge struggle for me. You had to figure out the correct time, the correct picture, what to say in the post, the correct day, the correct app and, all of this had my brain spinning in circles. I do not know how many times I just told myself that it is "good enough". Once I got toward the end of organic post and switched to paid post this is where I started to figure out what I was doing. There were some apps that were very efficient to use for post, which was Instagram, TikTok and, Facebook. The rest of the apps were not doing anything for me so I stopped putting effort toward these. I had so much with paid post because you could just pay for post to dominate. I remember one post I literally spent almost my entire budget on that one post it was funny but it worked. 

    Then after having fun with paid post, we had to switch over to only paying for influencers. This was also confusing for me because I had to figure out if I wanted the top influencer which was crazy expensive, or just go with a bunch of little influencers and hope it would be enough to make profit. I do not fully remember which one performed better because some weeks I would do similar things and it would have completely different results. My preference was picking the top influencer, which i'm sure looking back was not the best choice it was just fun knowing I could pay for them. 

    Now we have reached the finals three weeks of the experiment and this is where you must everything from organic post to paid post to influencers all in one week. This was probably my least favorite part because of the work that had to be put in. Also, you had to share the amount of money you could spend between all post so I could not just dump all of my money into paid post because I had to leave room for influencers. This was where my brain went back to spinning and in circles again and realized how much though must be put in to truly be efficient in running social media apps. 

    Overall, the experience was fun and I learned how to efficiently make social media post and what key elements to pay attention to when making post. This experience helped me get one step closer at being a good person to run social media apps. 

    Thanks for reading. :D



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