Influencers Create Clones of Themselves

    Influencers are getting very good at influencing behavior on social media and their communities. This blog will talk about the impact that influencers have on their audience and the ways this shapes their viewers. There are many great examples I will give from Kai Cenat to other very big influencers. 

    Starting with one of the top twitch streamers right now, Kai Cenat is a great example of someone who influences millions of people and how they behave. Kai Cenat says certain words, dances a certain way and, reacts to videos a certain way. This creates a trend that his community will follow and this will be passed around the entire world of mini versions of himself. For example, Kai Cenat has a famous dance that he loves to do along with his famous laughing scream he does. Millions of people from around the world do the exact same dance and laugh. 

    Another good example that influences me a ton that many people do not know about is a streamer called Caseoh. Caseoh is a streamer on Twitch who plays a ton of games from many genres, his favorite being horror games. He talks a certain way and behaves a certain way that has changed the way I behave. When I am hanging out with friends I will sometimes mock Caseoh without even trying to just because I watch him a decent amount. He will start his sentence with the word "buddy" and when he laughs at something he will scream "yo". Little things like this catch on not just to me but all his viewers. 

    Another example would be famous athletes or music artist. Think of any famous athlete or music artist that you watch and know a decent amount about. Whatever influencer that you pay attention to, they influence you in some way. It may be hard to notice but they may change the way you phrase your sentences, or the way you laugh, or even the way you react. They may even change the way you look at certain things. 

    In conclusion, influencers have a lot of power over their audience and impact the way they behave. This is very powerful as they have a lot of say over what people think and how people act. This is scary but cool at the same time to know people can influence people this heavily. 

Thanks for reading this blog :D 


  1. Justin,
    This is a great topic to talk about! Very relevant! Just curious, what do you think are some downsides to this influence over people?
    - Drew Butera


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