Chapter 11: TikTok (Continued)

 Last week’s blog was all about TikTok and, this week I will be continue with this chapter. TikTok is an app that I could talk about for days because of the endless opportunities the app has with my generation and the future ones. The app is used for news, entertainment, shopping, live streaming and, many more. I will discuss more interesting sections that I found within this chapter. 

    Starting with TikTok business account, the app is an amazing place for businesses to get discovered. To create content on this platform it is relatively cheaper than other apps so it’s easier to build a presence and grow a brand through various tools. TikTok is one of those platforms that is currently trending and where most of the younger audience is, so depending on product this could be a great opportunity. I know the app has gotten many users purchasing on the app, through both bios and post. Normally on post you can click on the filter that was used in the post near where the users name is but, now the same area is where you can click on products. This is very recently used and tons of normal users are using this feature. I can see businesses starting to use this feature to their advantage and attract more customers.

    The next section that I found interesting was the elements of a TikTok video. The look is very different compared to other platforms. TikTok videos are to the point, visually appealing, normally always videos and, sometimes use filters. The sound is also an important feature as most videos have a trending song or sound that is used when creating a video. Normally a sound will takeoff, sometimes a song, and this song will get used repeatedly until it is no longer trending. The story depends on what the video is about, whether it’s a tutorial or vlog or even a challenge. There are additional features like a duet or replying to comments. Many ways on TikTok to be unique and creative to engage with audience. 

    Overall, TikTok is a trending app that will continue to dominate in the social media world. Businesses can take advantage of this and grow their reach to TikTok, helping with sales and awareness in general of the business. TikTok has many unique elements to the app that differentiate it from other apps, so users should really understand the platform to fully take advantage of what the platform has to offer. 

Thanks for reading blog :D



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