Chapter 11: Marketing with Tiktok

     TikTok has become one of my most favorite apps besides Instagram that I interact with on the app on the daily. I love watching the latest trends and keeping up to date on what is going on in the world. It is not my news source for "real life events" but fun events and trends. In this blog I will be discussing some of the top things that caught my interesting in this reading and some of the main takeaways from the reading. 

    The first section that caught my interest was the section about TikTok's numbers. The number of monthly active users is 1.051 billion. From a company point of view this is perfect because it is such a big audience to capture and use to their advantage to market their company and their product on the app. The largest age group for TikTok is between 18-24, which makes sense because TikTok is big for dances and trends. This age group is around the high school to college age group. More females are on the app, 53.4% compared to 46.6%, which also makes sense because there is more on TikTok for dancing and tutorials and things like that. The time spent per month is 23.5 hours and the daily average is 95 minutes per day so again plenty of opportunity for companies to take advantage of so many users being on the app for a good amount of time. 

    The next section that I found interesting was the section about marketing with TikTok. TikTok is still in its early days when it comes to marketing and advertising on the platform, but the platform is starting to utilize this very efficiently. Tons of companies are building their brand on the platform, with many getting over 200,000 views per post with an engagement rate of 9%. Many companies are increasing traffic to their website like Red Bull, Nike, Starbucks, Disney, and Chipotle. These are great examples of companies that are dominating on the platform and utilizing the app to increase sales and grow their brand loyalty. Even though the platform is attracting mainly the teens to early adult audience, the platform is growing to all ages and starting to expand. The big reasons to market and advertise on TikTok include meeting the next generation, unique engagement, and drive growth. 

    Overall, TikTok is a fantastic opportunity for companies to grow their brand and reach a new audience. Each app has its big target audience and for TikTok it is between 18-24. TikTok has users that are on the app for large periods of time with the gender mainly being female. There are many companies that are dominating on this platform and tons of other companies can start taking advantage of the platform. 



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