Are you Born into Greatness? (Marion Local Football)

    This question was something that I thought about when going to watch Marion Local football play over this thanksgiving break. I went to watch this with my brothers at the semifinal game for division 7 high school football. This football team wins state practically every single year. You may be thinking, wow that is pretty low in divisions but that's the even more impressive. This is only based on the size of the school; with Marion Local I think only having around 270 students in total. Almost every single boy in the school comes out to play football. Let me say though they are insanely good and it is scary knowing that these kids are only in high school. 

    Marion Local won the game with ease, beating their opponent by nearly 40 points and letting them score nothing. The reason for the question though is I got to thinking, why are they always winning year after year? What is the reason for them winning, could it be coaching, culture, players, the school, or something else? Are kids in this area just doing things differently and know how to win? One thing I did notice when watching the game was the difference of skill from each individual player on Marion Local's team compared to the opposing team. Every kid felt like they were stronger, faster and, smarter. The opposing school had a much more hyper crowd, there was no home field advantage, and they had just as many kids. 

    This topic is very interesting to me because everyone wants to be the best at everything they do. You want to be the best student, the best athlete, the best person in society. The hard part is being the best and getting there before others beat you to it. That is why I love how Marion Local football plays and how they win every year. They were not just born into a winning, I think the culture is the big part of why they win so much. The culture is about improving, being the best, not giving up, and having the confidence to be the best. During the game even when they were winning by a ton their coaches were showing film on their iPads to their players and showing them things to improve upon. 

    If you are every curious and want to check out Marion Local football, I recommend it. It is a great school for football and they show a prime example of what a winning culture and team is, even with the small size of school and all the other factors that may tell them they should not be good. 

    Thanks for reading this blog :D


  1. A great culture can allow anyone at any skill level become better and win. It's the mindset and hard work that separates those who win and lose. I did not know this about Marion! Very interesting

  2. That's Awesome man!! As a football player myself it is great to see people always finding success through hard work and enjoying the game.


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