What's your purpose in life?

     I'm sitting here in my apartment wondering what I can contribute to society that helps it move along. I have always thought about this concept growing up on how I am going to make an impact in society and truly make a difference. I wanna be the difference that I wanted to always be. I believe my goals will be my purpose in life. This blog will talk about my goals and what my purpose in life might be. 

    This is a very deep topic. Starting with goals I want to become a famous esports player that makes a difference in so many peoples lives. I want to be a good role model and be able to inspire the next generation to achieve greatness, be nice to others, and love god. I want to also win as many trophies as possible and become one of the legends within a game. I want a reason for people to remember me after I die. Another goal of mine is to one day start my own business. By achieving this goal I will be able to give something, some product, that will impact others lives on the daily. This will also allow me to inspire so many people below me within the business. I have already started these goals within college, not too far yet but I have started working toward it slowly. Hopefully I get farther along these goals by the time I graduate. 

    These goals feel like the purpose of my life and how I will help move along society. These goals are the only things I know I want for the time being and I am grateful to be giving the opportunity to work toward these goals. Once school ends I will maybe have a different approach if these goals are truly my life purpose or if they change. Life throws a ton of curveballs so I'm assuming these might not be the same as I imagine they will be over time. Even if my goals change over time, I want a reason to be remembered whether its through a goal I have or some positive reason. 

    I hope by reading this blog you think deeper on what your purpose in life is. Again this is a very deep topic but I think it's very good to think early so you truly know if you are getting what you want out of life. Life is so short not to be happy and strive for the things you want out of life. This is my purpose in life so far and I hope you all enjoyed reading this blog. 

Thanks :D


  1. Its good to have goals in life! Specifically, SMART goals so that you can measure progress! Best of luck!

  2. This was such a great thing to blog about! I don't think many people sit down and actually think about their goals, nor what their purpose is.

  3. Love this! It's important to have these deep conversations with yourself, and I think your passion for esports will get you far. Best of luck!
    - Drew Butera

  4. I love this. Finding meaning in life is very important when it comes to anything in life really. And setting goals and wanting to achieve them helps with this.


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