Top 3 tips to dominate esports in college

      With my esports team being in the middle of our season, I thought it would be interesting to give tips on my experience with college esports and the top things a player can do to dominate the scene. These are the top three tips that I can give for every new or current player entering the scene. 

    Before the tips I wanted to give a little background on my esports experience. I have played four years of collegiate esports with each year being in a first-person shooter game called Valorant. I have been top 90 in the United States for Valorant. I have won over 5 trophies and have around a thousand dollars in earnings from tournament wins alone. I have also competed on amateur teams where I have played in tournaments that were streamed to more than 50,000 viewers. Amateur teams are just non-collegiate teams where anyone can play and it's also where more professional players play. I also have ongoing experience as I am still competing in college Valorant. 

    Starting with the first tip to dominate esports, I recommend players take advantage of the ranked system in whatever game they are playing. The ranking system for games helps showcase how good players are within the game. This allows for players to understand how good they are at the game and where they stand compare to others. By hitting the top rank in a game, you prove that you are the best but also you play against the best in the game constantly. You make tons of connections and you get to play with professionals on the daily. 

    The second tip to dominate esports, I recommend players take advantage of coaching and get tons of coaching advice. Coaching is more common in traditional sports where you are almost guaranteed to have a coach no matter what sport you play. Esports is not at that level yet with many players going without a coach and attempting to get better on their own with no assistance. I recommend players seek coaching and try to get advice from an outside perspective to help understand things that need to be improved upon. This will also speed up the learning curve and help players get better faster. 

    The third and last tip to dominate esports, I recommend players play in amateur tournaments. The reason behind this is because more professional players play in these tournaments so you tend to learn more as a player. College teams are good, but amateur teams are typically better. These tournaments also have more viewers and opportunities so players have better chances of getting noticed as well.

    These are the top three tips that I would give to any player trying to dominate esports in college. There are many more ways to help dominate esports and I am sure there are many more blogs about different things you can do to dominate. However, from my experience these are the best and I hope everyone enjoyed reading this blog!


  1. Justin,
    I have played Valorant before, lot of fun! Keep up the hard work and goodluck through the rest of your season!
    - Drew Butera


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