The Start to My New Life

     I recently got accepted for a marketing position with a company called Endeavor! This job will change the way my life operates and I am excited to see the changes that happen because of this job. This blog will dive into the job itself and the changes that will happen because of this job. 

    Starting with the job itself, the position is a marketing position based in Dublin, Ohio. This is where the office is and for the job I will be doing a lot of in person marketing for Endeavor's clients. This includes going to music festivals, live concerts, sports events and, trade shows. At the events is where we promote clients through campaigns and various marketing methods. This position is fully in person so this is where I will have to adjust my lifestyle a little and make adjustments around this. Other new hires are starting this month, however they are allowing me to start around January which will be around next semester start date. This job will be Monday through Friday, with some weeks going into Saturday's. This is a great opportunity for jumpstarting my career and I can't wait to get started!

    There are certain changes that will happen because I am starting the position during next semester. First, I will be moving back to my hometown which is really close to Dublin. This means I will commute up to ONU for the remaining classes that I have left. Also, since I only need to take 1-2 classes left I will most likely move to a part-time student and attempt to take the classes later in the evening or at nighttime. I am still researching which classes I will be taking but I already finished everything required for my major. Also, because I used loans to pay for part of school they may start early due to me becoming a part-time student. There are more things that will change because of this job but that will come with time and I am sure I will be able to figure it out. 

    I am still figuring out all of the details of this situation, but I know for a fact that my life next semester will be completely different. This opportunity with Endeavor should be really exciting and I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    Thank you for reading this blog! 


  1. Justin,
    Congrats on this great opportunity, sounds like a great company! Best of luck going forward!
    - Andrew Butera


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