Chapter 9: Marketing with LinkedIn

    This week's reading is all about LinkedIn and all the great things that this social media platform offers. This platform is the world's largest professional network with over 900 million users and will continue to be the best platform for professional networking. This platform is used to apply for jobs, advance careers and, many more features. This blog will cover the top 3 sections that I found interesting about LinkedIn with a summary of the chapter at the end. 
    The first section that I found interesting was the section that discussed LinkedIn's algorithm. The algorithm was updated in 2019 to prioritize relevant content and engagements. This is because the old algorithm prioritized accounts with more followers over little followers which made it harder for smaller businesses. There are more factors that the algorithm uses to rank posts on users' feeds that include people you know, things that interest you and, things you engage with. These factors allow users to have more of a custom experience and get the most out of the platform. 

    The next section that I found interesting was the section that discussed LinkedIn's content strategy. This section was very interesting as LinkedIn asked users to name the top reasons for following a company. Some of the top reasons included staying informed on industry, staying up to date on latest news from company and, interested in working for the company. These reasons make sense but it confirms how companies can use LinkedIn efficiently to make the most of the platform. Companies can keep users up to date on things within the company and opportunities to catch future employees that are passionate about working for the company. 

    The last section that I found interesting was the section that discussed LinkedIn's response to Covid-19. The world had to adjust to the new normal because of the pandemic which was topics like remote work, online learning and, collaboration. Tons of people wanted to work remote and now it's become things that people are actively seeking even after the pandemic. LinkedIn even created a live show called #BusinessUnusual to discuss how Covid-19 transformed the way people work. 

    This week's reading was very informative about LinkedIn and how the platform works. LinkedIn is the top platform for professional networking with tons of businesses being on there. Users utilize this platform to keep up with companies and everything that is going on, including job opportunities. This week's reading was fun and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it!



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