Chapter 6: Marketing with X (Twitter)

     This week's reading was all about X. This platform was previously known for being twitter, but X is the title that lots are still getting used to calling the platform. This platform is all about short messages and expressing things through words. This blog will talk about the top things I found from the reading and the overall summary that I got from X. 

    Starting with X's numbers, it has 368 million active users with the main target being male at 56.4 percent. This is unique compared to the last few social media apps we looked at being either mainly female or neutral. The main age for X is between 25-34 with the daily usage being between 34.8 minutes. X is one of those apps that it really depends on the community on whether or not the app is being used. Certain community's use it and others don't. A great example that uses X would be the esports and gaming world, where this is where everyone communicates. Other communities however, you will see X not being used at all compared to apps like Instagram and Facebook. 

    The next section that I found was interesting was the section about shopping on the app. This app allows users to showcase up to 50 products or feature a collection. I knew that twitter had a shopping section but I have never used it so it was so interesting to know how popular this method is. Shopping allows users to take advantage of product drops, live shopping, and dynamic product ads. Product drops allows companies to take advantage of new products coming out with notifications to their consumers so they know when they latest products are hitting the market. Live shopping is another cool feature where users can shop during live videos and take advantage of the live interaction with various brands. 

    The last section that I found interesting was the section about twitter's response to covid-19. The main thing the app did during this time was help people get reliable information. X knew that lots of people used X as one of the sources for information, so during these rough times they wanted everyone to have accurate information. Two other things they did during this time was protecting the public in various ways and partnered with organizations that engaged with the public. 

    Overall this was an effective chapter to learn about all of the features and things that X has. X is an app that is very effective when it comes to short messages and trying to get your points across. X has many cool features like its shop and its going to continue to add amazing things. 

    Thanks for reading this blog :D



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