Chapter 10: Marketing with Youtube

    This week's reading is all about Youtube and the various things this social media platform has to offer. Youtube has over 2.3 billion monthly active users with over 5 billion videos watched everyday. This app is all about video sharing, with it being the second most visited site in the world. Youtube has tons of videos from music to trailers to educational to many more. You can go to Youtube to pretty much watch whatever you want to watch. The platform even added live videos with sports channels now being on this platform. This blog will include some of the top sections that I found from the reading and the overal takeways from this chapter. 
    The first section that I found interesting was the section about Youtube by numbers. The largest age group on the platform is between 25-34 years old with 51% being male. This shocks me as I assumed the biggest audience would be the younger audience. I assumed most teenagers and kids would be on this app for hours at a time. Also, This means that the platform is equal between both genders which the total ad revenue on the platform being over 6.7 billion dollars. The daily average in minutes per day is 74 with time per month being over 23 hours. This makes sense as most videos are typically longer in length. The top country that uses the platform is India, followed up by the United States and Brazil. The best days to post on Youtube is Friday and Saturday with Sunday being the worst day to post. The best time to post is later in the afternoon with most people watching Youtube when eating dinner or laying in bed. 

    The next section that I found interesting is the section about optimizing Youtube videos. Users making videos have to optimize their videos properly for their viewers to find their videos. There are tons of videos uploaded each day so it is very difficult to find videos unless optimized properly. Keywords is the first thing that has to used properly. Users have to use words that viewers would search to make it easy to find videos. Titles should have these keywords and be catchy and short. Make the video title interesting so viewers are curious and want to watch the video to learn more. Descriptions are also very important to give viewers a full description about everything in the video and additional things that may be useful to viewers. 

Overall this chapter had tons of good and relevant information about Youtube. This app is very active and very popular with tons of videos being put on the platform daily. This app is the top app for platforms and many companies can utilize this platform to reach their audience. Thanks for reading blog! :D


  1. Justin,
    You did a great job covering this chapter and I found the youtube video optimization section really interesting!
    - Drew Butera


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