Textbook: Chapter 4

     Do you have a Facebook account? Do you know a lot about Facebook? This week's reading is all about Facebook. It dives into components about Facebook, how many people interact with Facebook, how to build pages and audiences within Facebook and, various other things related to Facebook. This blog will dive into some of the interesting sections that I found within the reading. 

    The first section that I found interesting was the Meta Business Suite section. Meta Business Suite allows users to make a calendar for all post. This is very convenient for content creators because you create all of your post for the next couple weeks and once completed it automatically uploads for you. This is convenient so you don't have to make post everyday and post at the specific time because it does it for you. Meta Business Suite also allows users to set up a budget and look at analytics. Some companies don't have that much budget but the analytics applies to everyone to see all of the statistics for your page. This is the best part in my opinion because you get to see where you are doing well and what areas you need to improve upon. If certain content doesn't preform that good then the creator can switch strategies and try a different style. 

    The next section that I found interesting was the Facebook Content Strategy. This sections dives deep into making a strategy that best fits your Facebook page. This includes determining the voice, how you interreact with users, what times to post and, what audience you are going to target. There are certain times that work better on this platform along with the style of post so its important for pages to know exactly what these are. I really like this section because its what makes and breaks pages. It's how pages die and others strive so its good to pay close attention. 

    The last section that I found interesting was about Facebook advertising. This section is interesting because I think Facebook is a great place to advertise certain products. Lots of older audiences are on here and it has already been common to go to Facebook to buy things. If companies utilize these strategies and advertise properly on Facebook, then they can turn lots of users into conversions and get revenue. Other social medias are starting to become more popular than Facebook when it comes to buying things, however Facebook is still a good place to advertise. 

    This section was helpful with understanding how Facebook works and the various strategies on the platform. This week's reading was interesting and I hope everyone enjoyed the read!


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