Textbook: Chapter 3

    If you were given a social media account for a company how would you run it? This week's reading was very interesting with lots of solid information given regarding social media. This blog will discuss very interesting concepts I found useful and the main takeaways from the reading. 

    The reading discussed the following things: target market with consumer personas, social media audits, goals and objectives with metrics, tone, consistency and, strategy. One of the sections that I found useful was the section talking about goals and objectives with metrics. Figuring out where each social media platform currently is and where you want the platform to be is very important. This shows the value of the people running the accounts and helps trace growth within the platforms. It shows the true value of what social media can do for companies and especially how much revenue is generated from them. Showing value that each social media has is very important because lots of business people are naive to how much platforms do for the brand, so this shows exactly the value. 

    Another useful section was the section about tone of voice. Understanding where the brand should be is very important so consumers don't get the wrong message and stop following the platform. The entire point of social media is to showcase everything the brand has to offer and so tone is very important. If you are a college you wouldn't joke a lot and mess around on various platforms, you would be more serious and passionate. I think each brand should understand what the tone of voice should be on each platform and take full advantage of it. 

The main takeaway from this week's reading is understanding each platform and what the strategy should be on each platform. Certain content belong on certain platforms and the strategy should revolve around the understanding and knowledge of each. This chapter had a lot of solid information and this blog highlighted the top useful things that I took away from it. Thanks for reading!



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