Every Decision could be a Disaster!

     We are rolling through the college semester and every decision made now feels like it ways a lot more than it did previous years. This blog will discuss some decisions that I have been making over these past few weeks and the impact it feels like it has. 

    As many of you know I am currently a senior and it feels like I don't have much time left as a college student. One decision that I make every Friday is whether or not I practice for my college esports team or go watch my brothers football games back at home. This decision is very tough because my brother deserves my support at every football game. He was always at my games and I love him so I want to support him back. However, my college esports team needs me as we have an opportunity to win many leagues and do amazing things this year. I have chosen both sides and I still get confused on which decision will have the greater impact each week. Over time I have found a balance but I still am thinking long term which one matters more and so I have been trying to go to more of my brother's games. 

    Another decision that has been weighing on me lately is how I choose to spend my free-time. I don't have as much classes going on this semester and so I haven't had as much to do school wise. During my free-time I have been applying for full-time positions for post college, working out, catching up with friends, going to family events, and practicing for my esports team. I have more things I do during my free-time, but it feels like each thing I do isn't justified. What I mean by this is that I feel like I could be doing more with my time and actually achieving more. It feels like the things I choose to do are a waste of time and because I am a senior it feels like I am wasting my last year. 

    The last decision that has been exhausting lately to try and make it where I apply for my full-time positions. I am still not sure where I want to move after college whether it's still in Ohio or some other state. I want to live in a big city but deciding what city is the hard part. I am sure with time when I get more offers for jobs this decision might become easier and so with time I am hopeful that it won't be as stressful.

    I could be exaggerating some of these decisions, however it feels more pressuring because I am a senior and there is no more time to waste. I am learning to enjoy the moment and just accept every decision I made like it was the perfect one. I hope everyone is enjoying this semester.

Thanks for reading this blog!


  1. I feel like a lot of people can relate to this! We make so many decisions every day and we don't even realize it. I loved reading your blog!


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