The End to a New Beginning

    As we approach the end of the first week of classes, I have officially started my senior year on campus at ONU. This year I plan to achieve amazing things and start the beginning of my journey outside of college. Senior year is the final year that I get to complete my marketing classes and compete on a college esports team. This is also the final year I will be working while taking classes in Ada. Hopefully by the end of this semester I have closure on my college life and I am fully able to begin the new life. 

    Marketing is my passion area and I hope to get a full time position by the end of this year. Marketing is a broad field that could take me to so many places. I want to get a position hopefully doing social media for either a sports team or esports team. 

    Speaking of esports, this is something I want to take full advantage of while in college. Most people don't think too much of esports as there isn't that many opportunities yet. However, I was able to make it into an organization and start getting payed to play for them. I want to use this college esports team as practice and help to advance to even a higher level than what I am at right now. This could lead to a full time job as a professional gamer.

    The life after college brings a lot of fears because I haven't figured out which state I want to go and what job I will be getting. I want to eventually move to either Dallas or Miami but I have no idea how this is going to happen. Some jobs are slowly presenting themselves in these areas but no confirmation yet on if these jobs are even going to be open for that long. Long story short I hope to answer a lot of my questions before the end of this year and hopefully have things locked in place before leaving college. 

    This year will be a little scary trying to end a story that doesn't want to be ended but I am hopeful for the future and can't wait for this year!


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