Textbook: Chapter 12

     This week's reading was very interesting. The chapter went deep into blogs, vlogs, podcasts and, webinars. It also dives deeper into how each of these methods are becoming popular methods of blogs and how certain platforms like Youtube are helping grow attention to it. Marketing and advertisements is very popular to use alongside these platforms and how advertisements are very effective when it comes to blogs, vlogs, podcasts and, webinars. 

    Something that I found was interesting was how many people actually listen to podcast worldwide, which is 467.4 million worldwide with time spent per month being 3.8 hours. This brings in 1.8 billion in podcast revenue. I didn't realize how much demand there is for podcast and this creates an opportunity for marketing for all sorts of companies. Podcast normally are comforting for users where they play it in their car and when they are laying in bed, maybe even eating dinner. This means that users are less likely to not be paying attention or even skipping parts. This creates a great opportunity for businesses to market to an audience that is there and active. This could eventually lead to more people coming to webinars and giving companies an opportunity to talk to customers in person that are committed to buying their product. 

    Vlogs are another area that I found was very interesting. I personally follow a lot of people on Youtube that are vloggers so I have experience watching this kind of content. It always amazes me when I see the impact advertising and showcasing products has with vloggers. This sort of advertising is extremely effective because vloggers typically have fans that absolutely love their favorite vloggers and would take any advice from them. This means when the video includes them showcases products and giving their honest feedback about it, this creates so many more customers for the product. I remember a vlogger I was watching one time that was showcasing merchandise in the video and I immediately bought the merchandise after the video ended. More companies should take advantage of vlogger when it comes to bringing in more customers, loyalty and, advertising products. 

    Takeaway from this chapter is how important these methods are when it comes to advertising and marketing. These methods are becoming more popular, especially in the United States, where companies can take advantage of these content creators. 



  1. I also didn't realize how many people listened to podcasts! Those are some pretty big numbers, but I'd be curious to see it compared to minutes listened to music!

  2. Great blog Justin! I enjoyed reading your section about vlogs. It's crazy how influencing influencers actually are.

  3. Justin,
    That was an easy read and the layout also looks appealing. Nice job! I too talked about podcast and vlogs as I found this interesting. And yes it was shocking to see how many people actually follow these platforms.


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