Textbook: Chapter 1

     I am still attempting to find the book online, however I did read summaries and also watched a youtube video about all of the pages within the first chapter. From my understanding, the evolution of social media and the way people use it so much is incredible. The internet only taking four years to reach 50 million people with over 4.2 billion active users is something that is very good within marketing industry. There is a big audience and demand for social media, which is why every company and organization has to stay on top of their pages to reach the audience they desire. 

    For marketing, the opportunities are endless for where you can promote. One of the slides talks about the different amount of time spent a day for music, podcast, internet, tv, radio, and video games. These are prime examples of areas that marketers can reach their audience and get a product across to them. Many users even enjoy where social media is at and also prefer to have social media help guide them toward products. 

    Social media apps are another topic for discussion within the slides. Learning and knowing how to operate an account on certain apps like Facebook or Instagram is very important. It takes skill and practice to fully know how to operate an efficient account that will have a CTA and bring in clicks, shares, likes, and more. Some accounts are now going away from user generated content and now becoming more AI based, which is a very interesting thing that will become bigger overtime. 

    The takeaway from this chapter was how important social media and the internet is becoming in today's world and how individuals can learn to master these social media apps to help with effect marketing strategies and meet social media metrics. 


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