3 Ways to Balance Goals at College

    Have you ever been at college and wanted to achieve so many things at one time but struggled to even do a couple? This week's blog post will explain my advice on how to balance all of your goals at one time while at college. I will also mention some of my personal goals to help give guidance on how these work. Some of the goals that I wrote down include becoming a streamer, becoming the best marketing student I can be and, trying to consistently workout. I narrowed this down to the top three ways to balance goals, which I still use today!

    The first way I found how to balance goals is to write down all goals on paper, typically something that you will see often. For example I have a journal that I keep all assignments and task in so I know this will be looked at often. This way when I look at all of the goals constantly I get reminded of each goals and how I plan to achieve each of them daily. It also helps me with speeding up the process of each goal and knowing daily how I am improving the goals. One of my personal goals was becoming the best marketing student I can, so daily I try to watch marketing videos, podcast and, content online related to marketing. These are just some examples of things I do daily to help toward my marketing student goal.  

    The second way I found how to balance goals is to organize them into importance. This way you visually see which goals mean more to you at the current moment and which ones you have to put more effort towards. For my personal goals I put marketing student at number one, then streaming in second place and, in last consistently working out. So when I wakeup for the day, I know which goals I put more effort towards and if I get to all goals that day then its a great day. However if I don't get toward everything that day its not the end of the world and I feel comfortable moving onto the next day. 

    The third way I found how to balance goals is to set dates on when goals should be achieved by. This is very efficient if you tend to have a lot of goals you want to achieve at one time. Earlier in my college career I had over ten things I wanted to achieve at once, so it was very difficult to work on all goals at once. This is where putting dates on goals comes in handy, where I had some goals that I wanted achieved before the semester ended and others I wanted achieved before I left college. 

    Overall, every goal is achievable and it all comes down to balance. Learning to write your goals down, organize them and, set dates for achievement are great ways to help goals become achievable. Hope these tips helped out and I would love to know if anybody else has tips of their own for achieving goals!

    Keep striving for greatness!


  1. Justin,
    this was awesome. I am definitely one of those people who want to do all these things at once and end up getting overwhelmed. Your steps like writing it down, etc. is very insightful


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